The most comprehensive, convenient estate planning app

by | Dec 26, 2020 | General Apps | 0 comments

This pandemic has put things into perspective. So much so that more people are taking their estate seriously and preparing documents such as wills, so that if something did happen, the surviving family would have the information they need to deal with your passing. The problem is that wills and living trusts only make up a small portion of the requirements for estate planning.

EZ Estate is the solution – an all-in-one app to help you with estate planning. More comprehensive than any other app on the market, it is available to download now on iOS and Google Play.

Essentially, it’s a huge checklist of things you should make sure you have covered. You’ll find categories and subcategories ranging from personal documents and account details to last messages for loved ones. The app handily tracks your progress, so you know exactly what you’ve completed and what still needs to be done. A small but very nice touch – you can record videos instead of just typing your information in.

The information is stored and encrypted locally on your device, requiring a security passcode to access. All data is transmitted, encrypted and stores on EZ Estate’s cloud servers. As they handle a lot of personal information, you can rest assured that their security is fantastic.

If you’re ready to plan your estate but you don’t know where to start, or if you have everything covered, check out the app on iOS and Google Play or visit for more information.