by | Nov 12, 2021 | Learning Apps | 0 comments

When I’m under a lot of anticipation towards the latest App Store Optimization services which happen to be a lot these days, I like to just sit down and actively search for some useful ones for a while to take all important features which would rather benefit global users, even for key unique services. It is enumerated that App Store Optimization (ASO) are great improvements made on an app download page to adeptly assist your app to reach the visibility ladder and actively encourage more people to download it.

ASO is generally focused on the world’s two leading app store platforms namely the Apple App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android). In case if you are developing an app or already have one on the marketplace, ASO is important for standing out in a crowded global app market. Moreover, ASO is not a one and only project, it primarily needs continuous attention and regular updates.

What Makes App Store Optimization Tips Interesting

Primarily there are seven basic principles for guaranteeing that your app is optimized for the app store.

Using Relevant Keywords

Researching the right keywords for your audience is crucial. Actually, you need to showcase what keywords your potential customers are looking for and much ideally the keywords that your best competitors use.

Also matching keywords with your customers’ requires to help them more simply find your app on the app store.

  • You should not use keywords unrelated to your app, it would penalize your ranking.
  • Use one form of a keyword singular or plural.
  • You should not use keywords that include the word “app” or your competitors’ brand names.

For assisting in analyzing keywords, we suggest starting with Google Keyword Planner.

Getting Optimize Your Title & Description

We learnt that titles are the single most crucial metadata you can use to get more downloads.  You can focus on writing a title that is under 25 characters so the entire title is visible on the app browse screen. A title must also be memorable to increase downloads. Effectively using your company’s name and top keyword will certainly make your app easier to look for.

Once you have selected your title, always try to search for your app. If there are thousands of results, your title isn’t primarily creative enough. Moreover, the description must include as many relevant keywords as possible in the first 250 characters. Thereby anything after this initial description requires a “Read more” click from the potential or prosperous customer.

Try to Include Compelling Icons & Screenshots

More importantly, compelling visuals can give you an edge in the app marketplace. Select an app icon that is simple to recognize and will be memorable for your brand. You can simply use different colours than your top competitors to actively eliminate any confusion from prosperous or potential customers.

The high majority of people will look at your screenshots before making the decision to download, so don’t try to skimp on these. We suggest using as many screenshots as the marketplace will permit you to upload.

You can use a colourful template so your screenshots look attractive and aesthetically pleasing together. The text must not be the primary focus one. Include quality visual features that illustrate how your app is more valuable than its competitors. So always be testing your creative; screenshots & preview videos. This would have a great impact on your ASO performance.

You can Add Video

Developing a video within your app’s page can increase download by 35%. This much significant increase is more than optimizing your title (15%) and visuals (30%). Thereby every increase in downloads is also an increase in your rankings. Primarily since most people prefer to search and download an app within a few minutes, upload a video that illustrates your app’s most valuable feature.

Best to Research Your Competition

It always best understands who your competitors are and their business strategy is crucial for any successful business, it is important in ASO. Thereby before adding your app to the marketplace, you must prepare for the best category for your app.

Key Factors to consider when selecting a category include:

  • Certainly the number of competitors
  • About the number of apps that are consistently updated
  • how familiar the category ranks in downloads

After adding your app to the marketplace, you need to consistently monitor the top performing apps in your selected category. Check if their ranking changes when they add a keyword or immensely change their metadata.

It is better to rank new keywords before your competitors have a chance to. You also want to track competitors that have a similar purpose, great app features, and even apps that are simply utilizing the same top keywords you are utilizing.

Feature to Build Backlinks

In order to build the best backlinks, your app must be actively linked on websites that are relevant to your app and have strong authority according to Google’s present algorithm standards. Moreover, the Backlinks can be in text form or by image utilizing the ALT (ALTernative text) tag.

Drive Traffic and Downloads to Your App Store Page

Importantly by having a website that is SEO optimized to host your app information will permit you to drive traffic directly to your app store pages. Thereby using this website for your app can also assist your ranks on Google. It also enables those doing a simple web search for another option for finding and downloading your app. In addition, you can also use paid app advertising to drive traffic to your app respectively as Apple Search Ads (ASA) or Google Universal App Campaigns (UAC).

Wrap Up

If you spend a little time each day working on your app store optimization checklist, you will be actually pleased with the beneficial progress you can make.

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